Want to snowshoe with your kids?

If you can walk, you can ‘shoe….but adding kids into the mix creates a little more work! (Shocking no one, right?!) Below, we’ve created three videos to help you get started on your snowshoe journey.

In the first video, we walk you through the basics of snowshoe gear so that you understand what you personally need—and what you don’t. Heather was the snowshoe expert for Backpacker magazine for four years, so she knows her way around the components

In the second video, we’ll explain the two main strategies for carrying your child on the snow: a kid carrier or a ski trailer. We’ll discuss the pros and the cons of each so you can make an informed decision for your family.

And in the third and final video, we’ll highlight our most-requested item of gear: a ski trailer! Ski trailers can be quite pricey so our WildKind families want to ensure they are worth the hard-earned dollars. In this video, Heather walks you through all of the components so you can see what you’ll be getting should you decide to upgrade.