YOU have been with us from the beginning! And we want to thank you! While our business strategist thinks we’re fools for keeping our founding members at our founding price, we made a promise to you. We could not have gotten WildKind off the ground without you! So thank you! Talk about new member plans. Basically point out that the discount only plan is the same price as their current plan. You have the primo plan at the basic rate. All you have to do is make sure you renew before your plan expires, and you can keep this wildly low pricing for all the features forever.

Trail Head

Blah blah blah discount and giveaways only. Button will go to memberspace 6 month or annual plan.


Discount and courses. Button will go to memberspace 6 month or annual plan. Should annual get discount?


Discount, courses, sponsor events. Button will go to memberspace 6 month or annual plan.